Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

david carson examples

legibility and communication

david carson. iconoclast. speaks of legibility and communication. not to confuse the two. difficulty of simple and clean and powerful vs simple and clean and boring.

i think he's talking about energy, energizing the image, energizing the text, energizing the layout, concrete poetry, the medium is the message.

he speaks of emotion, of interpretation. these are very different than illustration. emotion. he wants to make a connection with the viewer/reader. connect through emotion, emotional memory. trigger some sense beyond the rational, the intellect.

teodora gathering plants

teodora cuero gathering live oak and scrub oak acorns in rainbow. teodora is a plant specialist, kumeyaay, 87 years old. she and leonore farlow visited for 5 days.

artist's books class

tonight back to class. blog first thing. david carson video clip. iconoclast. grunge. not helvetica. dwell magazine opposite of grunge.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

gathering juncus

new year. yesterday gathered juncus with marian and abe. ground is wet from the recent rains, so it pulled out easily. what a pleasure. the rainbow juncus has a wonderful brown. in some places the juncus is 12 feet long. we gather quickly, just before dark. i don't have my camera with me. it's wonderful to gather rather than photograph for a change. i love standing in the dry creek bed, love the feel of juncus, love the brown live oak leaves strewn over the rocks. i scan briefly around me to note where the poison oak is. poison oak is deciduous, and the leafless sticks/stems are pretty easy to overlook. in some areas, though, i've seen poison oak vines as thick as my wrist, winding their way up a sycamore or oak tree. i want to put juncus on the scanner, capture those modulations of brown . . . red tailed hawk flying outside the window, circling, greeting the new year, joining the blog. turns out cochinealrush is a music group. more emily dickinson groupies . . . the rains are coming. must put out the wildflower seeds on the hillside . . . poppy, penstemon, can't remember what else i gathered . . .